Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Currently I’m stuck between wanting to revel in the fact that I’m going on holiday at the weekend but also not wanting to jinx it and anger the volcano gods who were so irritated earlier this year.
I’m also chastened at the thought of having any potential difficult travel arrangements after I’d raged at the people stranded by the volcano cloud for not having a more ‘British’ attitude to their problems. Now I know that put in the same situation I shall be whinging about my lack of comfort and opulence. But then it all depends on how ridiculous the situation gets.
Being stuck at Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris last Christmas I was incredibly unhappy at the thought of having to wait 4 hours for a delayed flight. This unexpected delay was incomprehensible to me after a long day of travelling. However when 20 minutes later the flight was cancelled the situation became so ridiculous in my head that I was suddenly able to accept it. Now I was content to wait for the bus to the hastily arranged accommodation near the airport and entirely placid about arriving back in Blighty a day later than expected.
Anyway fingers crossed none of this will be a problem and nobody will sacrifice me to the volcano gods in an act of appeasement.

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